Useful Information about EEB1 and the European Schools system

Partially adapted from the APEEE Woluwe Glossary, edited and completed using students' own knowledge and experience.

13stars newspaper - an online newspaper of all the European Schools, managed by the students. It informs about the current events in the schools' and provides a place for the students to express themselves freely. Check it out on!

A mark - from the 4th of secondary onwards, the mark based on participation in class work - including tests, quizzes, homeworks and activity during classes (see B mark and C mark)

A test - any ordinary test run in class, A tests count in the A mark (see B test)

Dds -deputy director secondary

Accredited European Schools - schools that follow the European Schools' curriculum but aren't recognised as official european schools. For more information see here

Activités périscolaires - extracurricular activities organised by the parents' association (APEEE)
Link 1
Link 2

Adds - Assistant Deputy Director Secondary

Administrative Board – each school has an Administrative Board which deals with management and administration in the school, budget and all aspects of daily life. It is hosted by the OSG, its members include the Director, a representative of the European Commission, representatives of the APEEE and teachers and others.

APEEE - the parents association, they represent the parents voice in school matters

APEEE services - services managed by the parents, e.g. transport (buses), cafeterias, cantine, garderie, extra school activities (see activities periscolaires)

B mark - from the 4th of secondary onwards, the mark based on B tests (see B tests, A mark and C mark)

B test - from the 4th secondary onwards, B tests are special tests that take place 2 or 4 times a year, depending on the year and subject. For more information contact your conseiller and your teachers.

Bac/European Baccalaureate: The series of final exams in s7. School leaving qualification for all the European Schools. The bac exams usually include 5 written papers and 4 orals, which together account for 36% and 24% of the final Bac mark. Another 40% is based on class grades (15% of which is continuous assessment during the year (A-mark) and 25% split between exams and tests (B-mark)). The Baccalaureate certificate is recognised by all Member States and accepted as an entrance qualification for their universities and colleges of further education. (For more information about the exams and the subject choices speak to your orientation teacher or educational advisor/conseiller)

Bac day - a day for s7 to celebrate the end of their last school year, it happens in the last week before the bac exams

BC – Budgetary Committee, one of the preparatory committees for the Board of Governors meetings. It examines the budgets of individual schools and financial implications of projects. For more information see the Rules of procedure for the Budgetary Committee here

BoG - Board of Governors. The final decision-making body managing finance and administration in all the European Schools. It meets three times a year and has overall responsibility for all the schools in the system. For more information see here

C mark - the combination of A marks and B marks (see A mark and B mark)

CE - Conseil d'Education. Each school has two Education Councils, one for the primary and nursery cycles, the other for the secondary cycle. They meet 4 times a year and hold meetings on ongoing issues about the school. They may set up working groups and adopt resolutions for submission to the competent authorities of the European Schools. Each meeting is chaired by the Deputy Director.

The EEB1 Secondary Educational Council (later referred to as "SEC", in French- Conseil d'Education/ "CE") is composed of the Director, Secondary Deputy Director, Secondary Assistant Deputy Director, elected teaching staff representatives, elected representatives of the Pupils' Committee and elected representatives of the Parents’ Association. The Director may invite other persons whose presence they deem necessary.

Each stakeholder group also elects representatives that will represent their language sections' opinions and concerns at the SEC. For example, the Italian section will have a teacher staff rep, a student rep and a parent rep. SWALS representatives may apply to represent their own section.

Full list of representatives
-Secondary Deputy Director
-Secondary Assistant Deputy Director
-ICT Support

*Teaching staff:
-Teacher rep
-FR /BE teacher rep
-DE teacher rep
-DK teacher rep
-EN teacher rep
-ES teacher rep
-HU teacher rep
-PL teacher rep
-IT teacher rep
-TWALS teacher rep (teachers without a language section)

*Pupils' Committee:
-CdE President
-CdE Vice-President
-FR student rep
-DE student rep
-DK student rep
-EN student rep
-ES student rep
-HU student rep
-PL student rep
-IT student rep
-SWALS student rep (students without a language section)

*Parents’ Association:
-APEEE President
-APEEE Vice-President
-FR parent rep
-DE parent rep
-DK parent rep
-EN parent rep
-ES parent rep
-HU parent rep
-PL parent rep
-IT parent rep
-SWALS parent rep (students without a language section)

CEA - Central Enrolment Authority: Created by the Board of Governors in order to draw up and publish a clear enrolment policy each year. It decides e.g. on the distribution of teachers in between schools.

Classes de mer - school trip on the seaside, organised by the school for P2 (second class of primary)

Classes vertes - school trip to the countryside, organised by the school for P3 (third class of primary)

Classes de neige - school skiing trip to the Alps, organised by the school for P4 (fourth class of primary)

CoSup - a inter-european schools' student organisation, it represents the students at the highest level of European Schools’ management. Two CoSup representatives are elected each year from every European School. In EEB1, the candidates apply through the CdE the previous year. Their knowledge about the system is then tested and the final two representatives are chosen at the beginning of each school year through an internal election in the CdE.

Complaints Board - an independent administrative court in the European School system. For more information visit here

Conseil d’Administration - French term for Board of Governors or Directors. Used for both the Parents Association’s Board and for the Administrative Boards of individual schools, including ours, but not used for the Board of Governors (Conseil Supérieur) which has overall responsibility for all the European Schools (see BoG).

Conseil de discipline/Disciplinary Council - a committee composed of the Headmaster and one teacher per nationality, which meets if a student has committed some serious misdemeanour. The pupil, accompanied by his/her parents, can request the help of a member of the Board of the Parents’ Association or a teacher of his/her own choice. At the request of the parents or of the pupil a member of the Students’ Committee (Comité des Elèves) can attend the meetings as an observer.

Conseil Supérieur: French term for the Board of Governors of the European Schools (see BoG – Board of Governors)

Conseillers d’Education/Educational Advisers – each year of secondary is assigned a Conseiller d’Education, who takes care of administrative tasks (such as checking students’ absences) as well as provides a link in between students, parents, teachers and the management.

EEB1 - European school of Brussels 1, situated in Uccle, Brussels, Belgium.
General information
The official website

EEB2 - European school of Brussels 2, situated in Woluwe-Saint-Lambert, Brussels, Belgium.
General information
The official website

EEB3 - European school of Brussels 3, situated in Ixelles, Brussels, Belgium.
General information
The official website

EEB4 - European school of Brussels 4, situated in Laeken, Brussels, Belgium.
General information
The official website

ES - European School(s). There are currently 13 European schools located around Europe, for more information visit here

ESA - European school of Alicante situated in Alicante, Spain.
General information
The official website

ESB - European school of Bergen, situated in Bergen, The Netherlands.
General information
The official website

ESF - European school of Frankfurt, situated in Frankfurt, Germany.
General information
The official website

ESL1 (lux1) - European school of Luxembourg 1, situated in Kirchberg, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
General information
The official website

ESL2 (lux2) - European school of Luxembourg 2, situated in Mamer, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
General information
The official website

ESM - European school of Munich, situated in Munich, Germany.
General information
The official website

ESMol/ESM - European school of Mol, situated in Mol, Belgium.
General information
The official website

ESK - European school of Karlsruhe, situated in Karlsruhe, Germany General information
The official website

ESV - European school of Varese, situated in Varese, Italy. General information
The official website

Étude - a room on the ground floor of the Breughel building to which s1, s2 and s3 should go during their free periods

Eureka - the schools’ lost and found site, the students can go there to look for their lost clothes. (it is placed next to the Erasmus building)

Interparents – an organisation representing parents at the highest level of European Schools’ management. The interparents representatives attend the Board of Governors meetings.

JTC – Joint Teaching committee, one of the preparatory committees for the Board of Governors meetings. It includes inspectors, directors and representatives of students (CoSup), parents (Interparents) and staff and examines proposals on changes in the curriculas and school oranisation. For more information see Rules of procedure for the Joint Teaching Committee here

L1, L2, L3, L4, L5 – the language choices in the school system. L1 is the primary section language (except for students without a language section, see SWALS), most of the subject are taught in it. L2 is the second language, it is obligatory and can either be English, French or German. Some classes like music or history/geography (from s3 onwards) are taught in this chosen language. L3 is the third language, obligatory from 1st to 5th secondary, optional in s6 and s7. L4 and L5 are the fourth and fifth languages – L4 is optional in the s4/5 and s6/7 cycles separately (it can be removed or added in between the cycles), L5 is optional in the s6/7 cycle.

ONL - Other National Language. Those are languages which are official, but not as popular as another official language in a given country e.g. Maltese or Irish. ONL can be chosen as a school subject.

OSG – Office of Secretary General, it performs executive management duties and represents the Board of Governors (see BoG) and European Schools. It also hosts the Administrative Boards of each school. For more information visit here

Preparatory Committees (for the Board of Governors) - committees that meet to prepare matters of discussion by the Board of Governors, the most important ones are the Budgetary Committee ad the Joint Teaching Committee, see BC and JTC

Primaire – the primary school, from P1 to P5

Ratrappage - extra classes for students having problems with a subject, especially a foreign language

Secondaire – the secondary school, from S1 to S7

SG - Secretary General, see OSG

SWALS - Students without a language section. Students who are too few to have a language section often form SWALS classes, which include providing special L1 classes instead of normal L1 classes of the language section the students are in. The students folllow other courses normally with their language section. The SWALS are represented separately at the Conseil d’Eduction.

Surveillant - Supervisor, for example in the school playground, or one of the part-time staff employed by the Parents’ Association to ensure order and safety on the school buses (usually a teacher or a student from one of the older classes)

Pre-bacs – exams in the middle of the S7, they count as the B-mark in the final Bac mark

Périscolaires – see Activités périscolaires

Maternelle – the school’s kindergarten

Morale/ethics - if religion classes are not chosen, the student will follow morale/ethics courses instead